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Liangzi Island Cultural Center: A Symbol of Homecoming


Located on Liangzi Island in Ezhou, near Wuhan, the Liangzi Island Cultural Center is a testament to architectural ingenuity and cultural significance. Designed by UAO Design, this center serves as a spiritual anchor for visitors, embodying the essence of “going home” amidst the island’s serene landscape.

Architectural Concept

The architectural concept revolves around creating a ceremonial space that encapsulates the ritualistic act of arriving at and departing from the island. The design simplifies into a visitor center flanked by waiting greenhouses and a raised central structure, resembling a tent that serves as the architectural focal point.

Structural Design

The center’s structure features a parallelogram roof with a circular glass skylight, allowing natural light to illuminate the entrances. Oblique columns spaced at 3-meter intervals regulate the building’s sequence, with landscape paving following the same pattern. The roof, covered in silver-gray aluminum-magnesium-manganese plates, echoes the modular design, enhancing visual coherence.

Symbolic Significance

The second floor of the center symbolizes a “lighthouse” on the water, offering panoramic views of the lake. Horizontal ribbon windows frame the scenery while directing the gaze towards the sky and the lake, minimizing distractions from the island’s architectural background. The interplay of natural light and spatial design creates an immersive experience, evoking a sense of tranquility and introspection.


The Liangzi Island Cultural Center stands as a beacon of architectural excellence and cultural heritage, bridging the gap between tradition and modernity. With its thoughtful design and symbolic significance, it serves as a testament to the island’s rich history and spiritual essence, offering visitors a profound connection to the landscape and a sense of belonging amidst the vastness of the lake.

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