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The Green House: A Horticultural Icon

Situated within the Floriade 2022 in Almere, the Green House stands as a remarkable testament to innovation in greenhouse architecture. Designed by V8 Architects, this expansive exhibition greenhouse offers a captivating glimpse into the world of horticulture, combining functionality with striking aesthetics.

Architectural Design

Constructed entirely from standard greenhouse elements, the Green House features a unique raised central axis, setting it apart as a temporary icon of the horticultural sector. With its impressive scale and distinctive silhouette, the greenhouse serves as a focal point of the World Horticulture Exhibition, showcasing the latest advancements in greenhouse technology and design.

Promenade and Exhibition Zones

Spanning a length of 170 meters, the raised strip within the greenhouse functions as a promenade, offering visitors a panoramic view of the exhibition floors below. Along this elevated walkway, various exhibition zones highlight different aspects of Dutch horticulture, providing an immersive experience for visitors of all ages.

Innovative Construction

Utilizing reusable standard elements of the Venlo greenhouse type, the Green House is designed for repurposing after the Floriade. The use of diverse materials such as transparent, translucent, and textured glass creates a mesmerizing interplay of light and shadow within the greenhouse, enhancing the overall ambiance of the space.

High Tech Green House and Natural Zoning

At the end of the promenade, visitors encounter the High Tech Green House, showcasing cutting-edge advancements in horticultural technology. Meanwhile, the interior of the greenhouse features natural zoning, with four large terraces accommodating different exhibitions. The substantial height difference in the terrain along the highway has been cleverly integrated into the design, creating natural divisions for the various displays.

Sustainable Features

To further enhance sustainability, the prefabricated reusable pavement within the greenhouse is partially left open, allowing for the integration of flowers, plants, and trees directly into the ground. This eco-friendly approach not only adds to the aesthetic appeal but also promotes biodiversity within the exhibition space.

In essence, the Green House at the Floriade 2022 is more than just a structure—it is a symbol of innovation, sustainability, and the enduring beauty of horticulture. With its blend of architectural ingenuity and ecological consciousness, it serves as a beacon of inspiration for visitors and professionals alike, leaving a lasting impression on the landscape of Almere.

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