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Embracing the Concept of “Gap”: gongsaido Stay

In the tranquil village of Namwon, nestled in the southern warmth of Jeju, gongsaido Stay stands as a testament to the profound beauty found within the gaps of existence.

The Essence of Distance

At its core, gongsaido Stay embodies the concept of the “gap”—a fundamental interval that exists between people, spaces, and times. It is within these intervals that profound experiences and reflections emerge, enriching the human experience.

A Canvas of Nature

Designed by ATMOROUND, gongsaido Stay is envisioned as a monochrome gallery, devoid of decorative distractions. The minimalist architecture, akin to a blank canvas, serves as a backdrop that accentuates the ever-changing beauty of the surrounding nature.

The Six-Wide Folding Screen

Central to the design narrative is a six-wide folding screen, symbolizing the essence of the “gap.” Each panel of the screen represents a natural element intrinsic to Jeju—stone, water, breath, earth, sky, and wind. Together, they weave a tapestry of harmony and serenity.

A Journey of Exploration

Visitors to gongsaido Stay embark on a journey of self-discovery and contemplation. The space, resembling an emptied gallery, invites guests to engage with unusual elements and non-daily stimuli. Every corner tells a story, inviting introspection and connection with the essence of existence.

Bridging Distances

Through its design philosophy, gongsaido Stay bridges the gaps between individuals, spaces, and times. It is a sanctuary where the interplay of emptiness and nature creates a canvas for personal reflection and collective harmony—a testament to the beauty found within the gaps of life.

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