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GOTO RETREAT Ray: A Symbol of Revitalization

Nestled within the picturesque landscapes of Goto City, Japan, the GOTO RETREAT Ray emerges as a beacon of luxury and cultural revival, poised to rejuvenate the Abunze Coast area and amplify the allure of the Goto region.

Embracing Cultural Heritage

Conceived as a testament to Goto’s rich history and cultural legacy, the GOTO RETREAT Ray stands as a tribute to the region’s role as a cross-cultural hub and a sanctuary for hidden Christians. Its strategic location near the Abunze Visitor Center and the iconic Mt. Onidake underscores its significance in preserving and celebrating the region’s heritage.

Architectural Harmony with Nature

Designed by Archivision Hirotani Studio, Hashimoto Yukio Design Studio, and TAISEI DESIGN Planners Architects & Engineers, the retreat seamlessly blends architectural prowess with the natural splendor of its surroundings. From its lava-covered Abunze Coast to the majestic Mt. Onidake, every element of the landscape is meticulously integrated into the retreat’s design, evoking a sense of timeless beauty and cultural resonance.

A Journey of Arrival

As guests embark on the journey to the retreat, they are greeted by a vibrant tapestry of native vegetation lining the approach. The canopy, crafted from as-cast concrete and cedar board finish, serves as a prelude to the serene oasis that awaits within. The arrival experience, characterized by tranquil water basins and scenic vistas, sets the stage for an immersive exploration of Goto’s natural and architectural wonders.

Lobby of Tranquility

Upon entering the lobby, guests are enveloped by the expansive sea views that stretch before them. The walls and ceiling, adorned with aluminum paneling, create an illusion of boundless horizons merging with the interior space. A centerpiece water basin, sculpted from resin, reflects the azure sky and drifting clouds, enhancing the sense of serenity and connection with nature.

Serene Seaside Retreat

Each guest room is meticulously designed to immerse occupants in the tranquil ambiance of the sea. Wide-span sash windows frame panoramic vistas, while open-air bathtubs on the terrace offer intimate encounters with the ocean’s expanse. Mirrors strategically placed near the windows seamlessly blend indoor and outdoor horizons, blurring the boundaries between nature and luxury.

As a symbol of cultural revitalization and architectural excellence, the GOTO RETREAT Ray stands as a testament to Goto’s enduring legacy and its timeless appeal to travelers seeking solace and serenity amidst nature’s embrace.

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