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Revitalizing Tradition: House Renovation in Toyama

Rediscovering Rural Charm

Nestled in the quaint city of Toyama in Hokuriku, Japan, this house renovation project by NYAWA breathes new life into a traditional dwelling. Originally a vacant house, the owner, hailing from bustling Tokyo, envisioned transforming it into a serene vacation home and rental property. Embracing the local climate and culture, the renovation aimed to preserve the old charm of the house while minimizing energy consumption.

Embracing Tradition: The HIROMA Concept

Drawing inspiration from Hokuriku tradition, the design revolved around the concept of “HIROMA” – a communal gathering space found in traditional houses. Positioned at the heart of the house, the HIROMA adapts to the seasonal environment, offering a versatile indoor space that seamlessly integrates with the surroundings. Structural reinforcement, inspired by the region’s pear orchards, ensures a bright and open HIROMA, fostering a connection with nature even on cloudy days.

Crafting Irregularity: A Journey Through Time

The design aimed to evoke a sense of timelessness, incorporating elements that age gracefully and tell a story of the house’s history. Upcycling old timber and utilizing materials like plywood, copper, silk, and textiles imbue the space with character, creating an environment that evolves over time. By following the rules of scale in traditional houses, the renovation pays homage to the past while embracing the future.

Enhancing the Indoor Environment

Central to the renovation was the improvement of the indoor environment, prioritizing natural light and ventilation. Sliding doors were installed to offer flexibility in balancing natural and controlled environments, fostering a sense of harmony with the surroundings. Through these efforts, the project achieved a zero-carbon footprint, with the CO2 absorbed by the wood surpassing emissions from renovation work. The result is a comfortable, inviting space where the line between natural and artificial blurs seamlessly.

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