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Rediscovering Rural Retreats: HOJI Gangneung Houses

Nestled in the serene countryside of Gangneung-si, South Korea, the HOJI Gangneung Houses stand as a testament to simplicity, blending seamlessly with the tranquil landscape. Crafted by aoa architects, these accommodations offer a refreshing departure from conventional vacation stays, emphasizing a harmonious integration with nature and a retreat from urban hustle.

Rethinking Vacation Architecture

In an era where luxury resorts dominate the hospitality landscape, the concept of a ‘pension’ or retreat has evolved. HOJI challenges the notion of extravagance, opting instead for understated charm and a genuine connection to the environment. Departing from ostentatious designs, these accommodations evoke a sense of nostalgia and tranquility, inviting guests to unwind and reconnect with nature.

Embracing Rural Aesthetics

The design philosophy of HOJI is rooted in the simplicity of rural life. Surrounded by fields and distant mountains, the architecture pays homage to its surroundings, eschewing grandeur for modesty. Each structure is thoughtfully crafted to blend into the landscape, reminiscent of traditional countryside dwellings like warehouses and cabins.

Symmetry and Serenity

HOJI’s accommodations are characterized by their symmetrical layouts and unassuming facades. From the Octagonal House to the Long House and Round House, each building exudes a sense of tranquility and balance. Despite their simplicity, these structures offer a warm refuge for weary travelers seeking solace in nature’s embrace.

Seamless Indoor-Outdoor Connection

One of HOJI’s defining features is its seamless integration of indoor and outdoor spaces. The circular walkway that connects the accommodations allows guests to immerse themselves in the surrounding landscape, while large windows and open courtyards blur the boundaries between inside and outside.

A Sensory Experience

From the earthy scent of wood to the gentle rustle of grass, every aspect of HOJI is designed to engage the senses. Guests are invited to savor the sights and sounds of the countryside, from the soft glow of dawn to the star-studded night sky. Each accommodation offers a unique sensory journey, inviting guests to slow down and appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

Reflecting on Memories

HOJI is more than just a place to stay; it’s a canvas for creating lasting memories. As guests wander through its corridors and courtyards, they may find themselves transported to a simpler time, where life moved at a slower pace and nature was a constant companion. Whether basking in the warmth of the sun or gazing at the stars, HOJI offers a sanctuary for the soul, where memories are made and cherished for years to come.

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