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Embracing Madrid’s Skyline: CIEL Apartment Renovation

Marion and Paul Franck, a French family with a nomadic past, embarked on a new journey to settle permanently in Madrid. Acquiring a 151 m2 penthouse in the vibrant Justicia neighborhood, they enlisted gon architects to transform their new home into a modern sanctuary blending urban convenience with celestial beauty.

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Rediscovering Architectural Potential

Nestled atop a century-old residential building, the penthouse, though spacious, lacked a profound connection with its surroundings. However, its expansive but neglected roof presented an intriguing canvas for architectural innovation. Recognizing this, gon architects envisioned a design narrative that revitalized the dwelling from the top down.

Roof-centric Transformation

Rather than viewing the roof as a mere shelter, the architects saw it as a transformative element. By reinforcing its structure and strategically puncturing it with skylights, they ushered natural light and ventilation into every corner, infusing the interior with an ethereal ambiance that mirrors Madrid’s ever-changing skies.

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Fluid Interior Dynamics

The interior underwent a metamorphosis, transitioning from dark and compartmentalized spaces to luminous, interconnected realms. The removal of barriers and the introduction of varying ceiling heights imbued the home with a sense of openness and fluidity, blurring the boundaries between public and private zones.

Terrace Oasis

The terrace, a 15 m2 oasis at the end of the dwelling, serves as a beacon of light and relaxation. Illuminated by skylights and drenched in sunlight, it offers a serene escape from urban bustle. Complete with a jacuzzi, it beckons the family to unwind and bask in the Madrid skyline, regardless of the season.

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Eclectic Fusion of Styles

Echoing the family’s diverse cultural experiences, the interior decor is a harmonious blend of old and new. Antique furnishings mingle with contemporary designs, creating a tapestry of memories woven across time and space.

A Home Amidst the Skies

CIEL is more than a renovation; it’s a celebration of Madrid’s unique urban landscape and celestial allure. Anchored by a technologically advanced roof, it offers a flexible living environment where families can forge lasting memories against the backdrop of Madrid’s mesmerizing cobalt blue skies.

In essence, CIEL embodies the essence of modern urban living, seamlessly merging architectural innovation with celestial inspiration to create a timeless sanctuary above the bustling streets of Madrid.

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