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Revitalizing Daile Theatre Square: A Model of Modern Urbanism

In 2023, MADE arhitekti received the prestigious Latvian Architecture Award GRAND PRIX for their remarkable renovation of Daile Theatre Square in Riga, Latvia. This iconic square, nestled in the heart of Riga, serves as a cultural hub and a testament to modernist architectural excellence. The project seamlessly blends historical significance with contemporary urbanism, prioritizing accessibility and sustainability.

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Preserving Architectural Heritage

Daile Theatre Square’s original design was overshadowed by car-centric infrastructure, reflecting an era where automobiles took precedence over pedestrians. However, the renovation aimed to reclaim the square as a vibrant public space, in harmony with the theater’s architectural heritage. By prioritizing people over vehicles, the project restored the square to its intended purpose as a gathering place for the community.

Embracing Sustainability

A notable aspect of the renovation is its commitment to sustainability. MADE arhitekti incorporated sustainable rainwater management solutions, mirroring natural ecosystems’ ability to handle rainfall. This not only mitigates flood risks but also enhances the square’s aesthetic appeal and promotes biodiversity. Additionally, the project embraced circular construction practices by reusing materials like granite steps, street curbs, and glazed bricks, minimizing waste and environmental impact.

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Fostering Community Engagement

The revitalized square features various amenities to cater to community needs and foster social interaction. From new trees and landscaping elements to benches, bicycle parking, and public facilities like toilets and waste sorting stations, the square is designed to accommodate diverse activities and gatherings. Moreover, the inclusion of theater signage, exhibition spaces, and advertisement banners adds to the square’s cultural significance and vibrancy.


The transformation of Daile Theatre Square exemplifies the potential of urban renewal to revitalize public spaces and promote sustainable living. By reimagining the square as a pedestrian-friendly environment and integrating green infrastructure, MADE arhitekti has created a model of modern urbanism that celebrates heritage, fosters community engagement, and embraces sustainability.

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