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Harmonizing with Nature: House Píer


Nestled by the tranquil shores of Jurumirim Dam in Avaré, Brazil, House Píer emerges as a testament to architectural harmony with nature. Designed by Sergio Sampaio Arch + Tectônica, this residence, spanning 1,300 m², encapsulates the essence of leisure, sport, and communion with the surrounding environment.

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Integrated Functionality

House Píer boasts a comprehensive program divided into four functional blocks. From garage and living spaces to guest suites and private quarters, each element is meticulously crafted to offer comfort and convenience while maximizing engagement with the natural surroundings.

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Elevated Circulation

A defining feature of the residence is the elevated wooden deck walkway, serving as a seamless connection between the distinct blocks. This elevated axis guides visitors through the residence, culminating in a breathtaking balcony adorned with a barbecue, living spaces, and a pool overlooking the serene waters of the dam.

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Material Fusion

The architectural language of House Píer blends traditional craftsmanship with modern sensibilities. Thick rammed earth walls sourced from the site itself form the foundation of the structure, creating a juxtaposition against the delicate cross-laminated timber marquee that crowns the circulation axis.

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Sensory Environmental Experiences

Within the residence, two distinct environmental experiences unfold. Enclosed functional blocks offer a sense of intimacy and serenity, while open spaces beneath the wooden marquee immerse occupants in the ever-changing elements of wind, sunlight, and rain, fostering a continuous connection with nature.

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Comfort and Innovation

Materials selected for construction prioritize thermal-acoustic insulation without compromising on aesthetic appeal. From crystal Venetian domes to sliding aluminum frames, every element is designed to enhance natural light and cross ventilation while minimizing environmental impact.

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Sustainable Practices

House Píer exemplifies sustainable construction practices, from the use of renewable materials to efficient modularization and project planning. Local labor and suppliers were engaged throughout the process, promoting economic growth while minimizing carbon footprint.

Environmental Efficiency

Elevated volumes, combined with thermal insulation properties, natural ventilation, and solar energy generation, ensure optimal environmental comfort while reducing energy consumption. House Píer stands as a beacon of eco-efficiency, harmonizing modern living with the rhythms of nature.

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In essence, House Píer transcends the confines of conventional architecture, offering a sanctuary where leisure, sustainability, and architectural innovation converge in perfect harmony.


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