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Redefining Vacation Architecture The HOJI Gangneung Houses


In the bustling world of vacation accommodations, where luxury often overshadows simplicity, the HOJI Gangneung Houses, designed by aoa architects, stand as a testament to a different ethos. Nestled in the serene countryside of Gangneung-si, South Korea, these houses offer a retreat from the ordinary, blending seamlessly with the natural landscape.

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Embracing Simplicity

The concept of the “pension” has evolved beyond extravagant resorts, catering instead to those seeking authenticity and tranquility. The HOJI Gangneung Houses eschew ostentation in favor of understated elegance, offering a refuge where guests can reconnect with nature and themselves.

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Design Inspiration

Inspired by the rustic charm of the countryside, the design of the HOJI Gangneung Houses reflects a deep appreciation for simplicity and tradition. Drawing inspiration from local architectural forms, such as warehouses and cabins, the buildings exude a sense of familiarity and belonging.

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Harmonious Integration

Situated amidst lush greenery, each accommodation building is carefully positioned to maximize privacy and tranquility. A circular walkway connects the various structures, inviting guests to explore the serene surroundings and immerse themselves in nature.

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Thoughtful Details

From the octagonal courtyard of the Octagonal House to the long skylight of the Long House, each building boasts unique features that enhance the guest experience. Thoughtfully designed interiors, adorned with wood accents and minimalist furniture, create a sense of warmth and serenity.

Blending Reality and Surreality

As guests wander through the HOJI Gangneung Houses, they may feel as though they’ve stepped into a dreamscape where reality and surrealism intertwine. From the ethereal play of light and shadow to the sensation of lying beneath a blood-red marble wall, every moment is imbued with a sense of wonder.

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In a world where luxury often takes center stage, the HOJI Gangneung Houses offer a refreshing alternative—a retreat where simplicity, authenticity, and nature converge. By embracing the essence of the countryside and infusing it with thoughtful design, aoa architects has created a haven where guests can escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary.

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