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Dongbaek Wooden House Embracing Wood Construction in South Korea


Situated in Yongin-si, South Korea, the Dongbaek Wooden House stands as a testament to innovative architecture that blends seamlessly with its natural surroundings. Designed by mlnp architects, this residence showcases the beauty and functionality of wood construction materials, creating a harmonious living space for its inhabitants.

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Architectural Concept

The Dongbaek Wooden House is nestled within a residential area known as Hyangrin Hill, characterized by its townhouse concept. The land, offering a stepped view and an open scent to the south, posed a challenge in meeting the owner’s space requirements within the expansive natural green area. To address this, the architects fully utilized the structural and material properties of heavy timber construction.

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Interior and Exterior Design

With a focus on preserving the beauty of the wooden structure, the interior of the house maximizes the exposure of wood elements while incorporating Akoya Wood as a primary finishing material for the exterior. Exposed concrete exterior walls capture pine patterns, ensuring a seamless transition between the interior and exterior spaces while showcasing the physical properties of wood.

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Spatial Configuration

While maintaining a simple exterior shape, the interior of the house features cross-sectional changes through double-decker spaces and a sloped roof. A long wooden shade on the southern side provides shade from the summer sun while framing the picturesque views visible from within. The house is zoned to accommodate the lifestyle of a family of four, with thoughtful considerations for privacy and functionality.

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Functional Layout

Each floor of the Dongbaek Wooden House is strategically designed to cater to the needs of its occupants. A tea room, connected to the dining area, serves as an external terrace in summer and a cozy family space in winter. The second floor comprises three rooms with southern views, ensuring privacy for each family member while maintaining a connection to the surrounding landscape.

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The Dongbaek Wooden House exemplifies a harmonious blend of modern design and traditional construction techniques. By embracing the advantages of wood materials, both inside and outside the house, this residence offers a tranquil living environment where the family’s daily life seamlessly intertwines with the natural elements. It stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of wood construction in contemporary architecture.

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