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A4 Art Gallery of Luxehills: A Harmonious Blend of Past and Present

Tektonn Architects Transforms Cultural Hub in Cheng Du Shi, China

Nestled atop the picturesque Luxehills, the A4 Art Gallery stands as a cultural centerpiece overlooking the Foothills community in Cheng Du Shi, China. Architects Xiang WANG and Wenmu TIAN of TEKTONN ARCHITECTS have orchestrated a meticulous renovation, breathing new life into this iconic institution. With an area of 4600 square meters and completed in 2023, the A4 Art Gallery seamlessly integrates modern elements while preserving the charm of its surroundings.

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The Cultural Heart of Luxehills

Luxehills, a suburban neighborhood inspired by the scenic landscapes of Tuscany, boasts a distinct character echoing Italy’s charm. Atop the Luxehills stands a square hosting three significant buildings: the club, the church, and the A4 Art Museum. The regeneration project focused on renovating the A4 Art Museum, a cultural pinnacle embodying the active and vibrant community culture of Foothills.

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A Sincere Renovation

The A4 Art Museum, spanning 5,000 square meters, underwent a renovation that embraced simplicity and authenticity. Divided into three above-ground and two underground floors to align with the town’s scale, the design aimed at harmonizing new elements and functions with the existing structure. The focus was on respectfully portraying and preserving the original building, adapting it to meet contemporary needs.

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Minimalist Approach to Façade

To maintain the building’s integrity, the architects opted for minimal changes to the original façade. The strategic optimization of exhibition circulation addressed inconveniences arising from the original building’s numerous floors. The addition of carefully designed volumes, created with modern steel plates, introduced a contrasting element to the traditional stone and roughly painted structures in the neighborhood.

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Timeless Modernity

The architects eschewed deliberate symbolism, focusing instead on ensuring the clarity of the added volumes, each reflecting its era. This neutral modernity extends to the interior spaces, where simplicity reigns to enhance functionality. The design emphasizes fluidity and utility, aiming to enrich future exhibitions within the gallery.

In conclusion, TEKTONN ARCHITECTS has successfully woven together the threads of history and modernity in the A4 Art Gallery of Luxehills. This cultural gem not only preserves the essence of the past but also opens its doors to a future enriched with artistic vibrancy and community engagement.

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