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Addressing Maternal Mortality: Bukasakya Maternity Centre

In 2022, CAUKIN Studio took on the challenge of designing and constructing the Bukasakya Maternity Centre in Mbale, Eastern Uganda, with a focus on reducing the region’s alarmingly high maternal mortality rates (MMR). This initiative, led by Spotlight on Africa, aims to provide essential maternity care services in an area where childbirth-related deaths are tragically common.

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The Urgent Need for Maternal Care

Uganda’s Bukasakya sub-county, located in the Mbale District, faces staggering maternal mortality rates, with women being 56 times more likely to die during childbirth compared to those in the UK. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Spotlight on Africa collaborated with local authorities to establish a Maternity Centre, addressing a critical gap in healthcare infrastructure.

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Collaborative Efforts for Community Health

Spotlight on Africa, in partnership with local stakeholders, has been actively involved in community development projects in Mbale for over 14 years. Their Community Health Outreach Programme laid the foundation for the Bukasakya Level 3 Health Centre, which opened in 2017, catering to over 50,000 patients in its first year. To further enhance healthcare services, CAUKIN Studio was tasked with designing a standalone Maternity Centre to elevate the facility to a Level 4 service.

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Designing for Patient Experience and Efficiency

The architectural proposal for the Maternity Centre prioritizes patient experience and operational efficiency. Outpatient services are strategically located near the entrance, with clear separation from in-patient areas to minimize cross-over. The layout follows the birthing stages, from triage to post-natal care, optimizing workflow and patient care pathways. Waste disposal facilities are thoughtfully situated to ensure proper management.

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Sustainable Design with Local Materials

Embracing sustainability and local context, the design incorporates locally sourced materials such as timber and unfired earth bricks to minimize embodied carbon. The architectural form aims to be both striking and cost-effective, blending seamlessly with the surrounding environment. A bright and welcoming reception area, characterized by a tall ceiling height, sets a positive tone for visitors.

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Collaborative Planning and Engineering

Collaboration with HOK Architects, Silman for structural engineering, d:for for MEP design, and Kieron Tarrant for site drainage engineering ensured the project’s success. Key spaces offer views of the courtyard, promoting natural light, air circulation, and a connection to nature, essential elements for patient well-being and recovery.

In conclusion, the Bukasakya Maternity Centre represents a vital step towards combating maternal mortality in Uganda, embodying the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders to provide essential healthcare services to vulnerable communities.

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