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Bamboo Dome at G20 Bali Summit: A Cultural Marvel

Craftsmanship and Unity in Architectural Harmony

In 2023, Bali, Indonesia, played host to the G20 Heads of State and Government Summit, where world leaders gathered under the expansive Bamboo Dome. This remarkable non-permanent structure, spanning 805 square meters, served as an exclusive lunch venue for the leaders, showcasing the fusion of traditional craftsmanship with modern design.

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Bamboo: A Cultural Cornerstone

Bamboo, deeply ingrained in Balinese culture for various purposes, took center stage in the construction of the G20 Bamboo Dome. Local artisans from Gianyar villages, renowned for their bamboo expertise, collaborated to fashion a masterpiece using a blend of contemporary and traditional techniques. The structure, including its main frame, weaving, and even the dining tables, exemplified the versatility of bamboo.

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Modular Marvel in Bali

Crafted modularly over two months in Gianyar, Bali, the Bamboo Dome made its journey to the Ocean Front Lawn (OFL) of Apurva Hotel, Nusa Dua. The assembly process on-site took a mere three weeks, showcasing the efficiency and precision achieved through meticulous planning and execution.

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Cultural Elements in Design

Every facet of the Bamboo Dome reflects an interpretation of various local cultures. The intertwining structural pattern symbolizes unity and equality, mirroring the spirit of the G20. The 32-meter diameter structure, adorned with full round tables, embodies the principles of togetherness and equality.

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Symbolism in Structure

The dome’s structural pattern, inspired by the strength and flexibility of bamboo, mirrors the ethos of G20—forging an inclusive and sustainable global economic recovery. The visually captivating interior view, with its equal weight distribution, presents not just a construction solution but an aesthetic marvel.

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Cultural Icons Woven in Bamboo

The Gunungan wayang, a triangular mountain shape significant in traditional shadow theatre, found its place in the dome. Serving as the logo of the G20 Summit 2023, these bamboo weavings adorned the dome’s interior, creating iconic backgrounds and adding a distinct Balinese nuance to the summit.

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Lotus Flower Elegance

Woven bamboo lotus flowers, strategically placed in the interior and exterior, symbolize resurrection or rebirth. Beyond their symbolic meaning, these structures acted as shields against penetrating sunlight, adding both beauty and functionality to the Bamboo Dome.

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Collaborative Creation

The Bamboo Dome stands as a testament to collaborative efforts. Crafted by the skilled bamboo artisans of Gianyar, in tandem with civil engineering expertise from Gajah Mada University and architectural brilliance from Rubi Roesli and the Biroe Architecture team, the dome’s creation involved a convergence of talents and creative directions.

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A Global Reminder

The Bamboo Dome not only showcases the architectural prowess of Bali but also serves as a reminder of global unity. In the spirit of bamboo, which flourishes in groups, the dome echoes the sentiment that societies worldwide, from villages to bustling metropolises, share a collective responsibility for a better and stronger Earth.

In essence, the G20 Bamboo Dome in Bali transcends its structural beauty to embody the shared cultural values and unity that define the essence of the G20 Summit.

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