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Rural Integration: The Harmonious Blend of Bridge and Toilet in Gaoqiao Village

FMD’s Architectural Marvel in Yibin, China

In the heart of Gaoqiao Village, nestled in the serene landscapes of Yibin, Sichuan Province, FMD architects have crafted a unique structure that seamlessly combines the functional with the aesthetically pleasing. This pedestrian bridge, spanning an area of 180 square meters, stands as a testament to rural revitalization, integrating agricultural needs with the demands of tourism.

Rural Integration: The Harmonious Blend of Bridge and Toilet in Gaoqiao Village-Sheet2

Rural Integration: The Harmonious Blend of Bridge and Toilet in Gaoqiao Village-Sheet7

Site-Responsive Design: Connection and Support

Situated at the entrance of the village amidst farmlands, the project addresses the intersection of daily life for farmers and the requirements of visiting tourists. The site’s peculiarities, including an angular road system and a 4-meter height difference between roads and farmlands, become the canvas for FMD’s innovative design. The concept revolves around “connection & supporting,” interweaving the dual themes of a bridge and a public toilet.

Sustainable Ecological Cycle: Form and Function in Unity

The architectural marvel takes shape with a sustainable ecological cycle in mind. FMD’s design features a three-dimensional folding of structural walls, creating a self-supporting system that ingeniously connects both sides of the road. The building becomes an integral part of the surrounding farmland, boasting a posture that harmonizes with the natural environment.

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Functional Elegance: Toilet and Bridge Integration

At the upper part of the bridge, discrete male and female toilets find their place within a continuous folding wall, ensuring efficient space utilization while maintaining pedestrian flow. The rhythmic play of space and structure adds a unique character to the toilet interiors. Meanwhile, the lower level houses a family bathroom, an accessible bathroom, and a storage room for agricultural tools.

Architectural Playfulness: Portholes and Green Tiles

The architectural finesse extends to the roof platform, featuring a continuous wall surface adorned with green tiles. Circular portholes at different levels serve multiple purposes: the upper flat windows provide lighting and scenic views for adults, while the lower convex bubble windows create an engaging space for children’s observation and play.

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Local Craftsmanship and Material Harmony

Local materials play a crucial role in the construction process. The outer side, a rough bamboo formwork concrete, reflects the craftsmanship of local workers. In contrast, the inner side showcases smooth, locally produced green tiles, creating a visually appealing juxtaposition. Active collaboration with local workers and bamboo craftsmen during construction aligns with the project’s ethos of promoting rural revitalization in China.

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FMD’s Bridge – Toilet amalgamation in Gaoqiao Village not only serves its fundamental purposes but elevates rural architecture to a realm where form, function, and local integration dance in perfect harmony.

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