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Transforming Communities: Angel Yard by Jan Kattein Architects

A Beacon of Opportunity for Young Entrepreneurs in Upper Edmonton

In 2023, Enfield Council, in collaboration with Jan Kattein Architects (JKA), breathed new life into a set of derelict garages in Angel Edmonton, creating a vibrant hub known as Angel Yard. Led by architects Gabriel Warshafsky and Heloise Desaissement, this innovative project addresses the pressing needs of the community by offering warm, affordable spaces for both local residents and young entrepreneurs.

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A Response to Urgent Challenges

Upper Edmonton faces economic challenges, with residents experiencing income levels among the lowest 10% in England. The living environment is less than ideal, and barriers to education, training, and employment exacerbate the situation. Recognizing the urgency of these issues, Enfield Council commissioned JKA to develop temporary interventions. Supported by the Mayor’s Good Growth Fund, Angel Yard repurposes derelict garage structures, notorious for anti-social behavior, into 35 affordable workspaces.

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Fostering Young Enterprise

Angel Yard focuses on nurturing young entrepreneurs aged 18-30, providing them with affordable workspaces, training, and support through the enterprise charity Launch It. This initiative aims to empower the youth, offering opportunities for growth and skill development within a supportive community.

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Innovative Retrofit Design

JKA took an inventive approach to retrofitting, maximizing the use of existing garage structures while minimizing embodied carbon. Lightweight timber barrel vaults were introduced to adapt each garage into an individually let workspace. The design incorporates new shop windows overlooking internal streets, fostering collaboration in a sociable outdoor marketplace setting.

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Integrating with the Community

Angel Yard seamlessly integrates with the community, featuring a larger vault over a community space connecting with the nearby Fore Street Library. This library, refurbished by JKA, supports cultural and community events. The addition of a terrace with two-story workspaces overlooking the School Street, designed in collaboration with a local primary school, enhances imaginative play and improves air quality.

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Catalyzing Economic Opportunity

As Upper Edmonton undergoes positive transformations, Angel Yard stands as a testament to the changes brought about by the Good Growth Fund. It not only provides a platform for young entrepreneurs to build sustainable enterprises but also contributes to the dynamic local economy. Councillor Nesil Caliskan, the leader of Enfield Council, applauds the inventive use of space, declaring Angel Yard a new, attractive landmark in the area.

In conclusion, Angel Yard exemplifies how thoughtful architecture can catalyze positive change within communities. By repurposing neglected spaces, JKA and Enfield Council have created a beacon of opportunity, fostering entrepreneurship and community development in the heart of Upper Edmonton.

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