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Preserving and Renovating Daile Theatre Square

In 2023, MADE arhitekti received the prestigious Latvian Architecture Award Grand Prix for their remarkable renovation of Daile Theatre Square in Riga, Latvia. The project not only revitalized the square but also honored its historical significance as a cultural hub and exemplar of modernist architecture. Here’s a closer look at the transformative journey of this beloved public space.

Reimagining Movement and Accessibility

Previously, the forecourt of Daile Theater prioritized vehicular traffic, relegating pedestrians to the sidelines. The renovation sought to invert this hierarchy, reclaiming the square as a welcoming space for all. By reshaping transport infrastructure and introducing sustainable greenery, the project aimed to enhance public well-being and promote environmental sustainability.

Embracing Modernist Design Principles

Drawing inspiration from the theater’s architectural language, the renovation harmoniously integrated modernist elements into the square’s design. Gathering and recreation areas were strategically incorporated, fostering community engagement and connectivity with surrounding streets. The new surface ensured universal accessibility, contributing to a safer urban environment.

Sustainable Rainwater Management

Innovative rainwater management solutions were implemented to mimic natural ecosystems, reducing flood risks and enhancing the quality of outdoor space. A rainwater collection system, combined with green infrastructure, not only mitigated drainage issues but also promoted biodiversity within the city.

Circular Construction Practices

The renovation exemplified a commitment to circular construction practices, emphasizing the reuse of existing materials and the implementation of sustainable building techniques. Granite steps, street curbs, and glazed bricks were repurposed, minimizing waste and reducing environmental impact.

Enhancing Amenities and Accessibility

The revitalized square now boasts an array of amenities, including seating areas, bicycle parking, waste sorting facilities, and public toilets, ensuring a comfortable and inclusive experience for visitors. Additionally, improved signage and exhibition spaces celebrate the theater’s cultural significance and contribute to the vibrant atmosphere of the square.

In conclusion, the renovation of Daile Theatre Square stands as a testament to the power of thoughtful design in revitalizing urban spaces. By preserving historical heritage, embracing sustainability, and prioritizing community needs, MADE arhitekti has reinvigorated this iconic landmark, reaffirming its status as a cherished cultural destination in Riga, Latvia.

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