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Rediscovering Childhood Joy: The Play with Nature Installation

In 2023, DL Atelier introduced a unique public space installation in Shanghai, China, designed to evoke childhood nostalgia and spontaneity. Lead architect Yang Liu conceptualized the project, aiming to create an immersive experience that transcends the mundane and reconnects visitors with the carefree joy of youth.

A Swing into Memory Lane

“Play with Nature” invites visitors to relive the simple pleasure of swinging, evoking memories of laughter, fear, and exhilaration. The installation features a steel structure resembling a giant stone stage, divided into two sections: one round and harmonious, the other sharp and edgy. This juxtaposition creates a sense of tension, enhanced by the surrounding landscape, where risks lurk amidst the scenic river view.

Embracing Tension and Freedom

The swing becomes a focal point of interaction, where pusher and swinger engage in a dance of tension and release, from peaceful to romantic, relaxed to unrestrained. This interplay between danger and attraction draws visitors closer, offering a thrilling yet controlled experience. Through swinging, visitors rediscover the innocence and lightness of childhood, momentarily escaping the burdens of reality.

Reflections on Fate and Connection

As visitors depart from the swing, they reflect on the serendipitous nature of encounters and the transient beauty of human connections. The swing becomes a metaphor for life’s uncertainties, where timing and direction shape destinies. Despite the inevitability of change, there is gratitude for the fleeting moments of connection and shared experiences.

Love, Loss, and Life’s Journey

“Play with Nature” invites contemplation on the nature of love, where joy and sorrow intertwine like oil and flowers. Visitors are reminded that life’s richness lies in embracing both the highs and lows, finding solace in shared laughter and tears. While the swing eventually comes to a stop, leaving behind only memories, the essence of love endures, woven into the fabric of existence.

Eternal Optimism

As visitors depart from the installation, they carry with them a sense of gratitude for the fleeting moments of connection and the enduring beauty of life’s journey. Despite the inevitability of change, there is hope for future encounters and the promise of new beginnings. “Play with Nature” serves as a poignant reminder to cherish each moment and embrace the ever-changing rhythms of life.

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